Official Plan Review

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About the Official Plan Review Project

The Town of Grimsby is reviewing its Official Plan (OP). This plan will guide the growth and development for the Town of Grimsby from now to 2051, and is a key building block for how our community will be shaped over time.

Where We Are in the Process

Grimsby's Official Plan Review project is in the Policy Directions phase.

Figure 1: Revised Official Plan Timeline. Please note that these dates will be updated as the Official Plan process unfolds.

This phase will focus on getting your input on topics that will be included the Official Plan, such as housing, workplaces, neighbourhoods, transportation, the environment, and more.

Policy Direction reports about each of these topics are being rolled out. You can find these reports under the Documents widget on the right side of this webpage as they are released.

Stay tuned to to read the other reports and learn about more opportunities to have your say!

Share Your Thoughts on Grimsby's Neighbourhoods!

As part of the Official Plan review we want to know more about how you view neighbourhoods in Grimsby. Use the link below to access the online mapping engagement activity.

Webmapping Link:

Details of the Official Plan Review Project

The OP sets out the Town’s vision for the future, directing responsible growth and development while building on the policy directions found in the Regional Official Plan, provincial plans, and Provincial Policy Statement. It is a legally binding (statutory) document that guides Council decisions related to land use, development, infrastructure, and services, and informs all other land use plans and regulations the Town may prepare.

Municipalities periodically review their OPs to ensure they remain in alignment with internal priorities and external considerations. The Town of Grimsby is preparing a new OP to replace our existing plan, which was approved in 2012. We are also developing a new Transportation Master Plan (TMP).

Grimsby is reviewing it’s Official Plan to:

  • Make sure that the Official Plan aligns with Council and Community priorities while conforming with provincial and regional plans and policies
  • Make the Official Plan easier to read and use for everyone
  • Plan for the way that Grimsby will grow and evolve over time

The TMP will be developed concurrently with the OP and will identify considerations and future directions related to transportation management and planning that the OP must incorporate.

Throughout this process, the people of Grimsby will have multiple opportunities to inform the OP’s content.

Be sure to check back for updates and other opportunities to have your voice heard!

About the Official Plan Review Project

The Town of Grimsby is reviewing its Official Plan (OP). This plan will guide the growth and development for the Town of Grimsby from now to 2051, and is a key building block for how our community will be shaped over time.

Where We Are in the Process

Grimsby's Official Plan Review project is in the Policy Directions phase.

Figure 1: Revised Official Plan Timeline. Please note that these dates will be updated as the Official Plan process unfolds.

This phase will focus on getting your input on topics that will be included the Official Plan, such as housing, workplaces, neighbourhoods, transportation, the environment, and more.

Policy Direction reports about each of these topics are being rolled out. You can find these reports under the Documents widget on the right side of this webpage as they are released.

Stay tuned to to read the other reports and learn about more opportunities to have your say!

Share Your Thoughts on Grimsby's Neighbourhoods!

As part of the Official Plan review we want to know more about how you view neighbourhoods in Grimsby. Use the link below to access the online mapping engagement activity.

Webmapping Link:

Details of the Official Plan Review Project

The OP sets out the Town’s vision for the future, directing responsible growth and development while building on the policy directions found in the Regional Official Plan, provincial plans, and Provincial Policy Statement. It is a legally binding (statutory) document that guides Council decisions related to land use, development, infrastructure, and services, and informs all other land use plans and regulations the Town may prepare.

Municipalities periodically review their OPs to ensure they remain in alignment with internal priorities and external considerations. The Town of Grimsby is preparing a new OP to replace our existing plan, which was approved in 2012. We are also developing a new Transportation Master Plan (TMP).

Grimsby is reviewing it’s Official Plan to:

  • Make sure that the Official Plan aligns with Council and Community priorities while conforming with provincial and regional plans and policies
  • Make the Official Plan easier to read and use for everyone
  • Plan for the way that Grimsby will grow and evolve over time

The TMP will be developed concurrently with the OP and will identify considerations and future directions related to transportation management and planning that the OP must incorporate.

Throughout this process, the people of Grimsby will have multiple opportunities to inform the OP’s content.

Be sure to check back for updates and other opportunities to have your voice heard!

  • Available Now on Let's Talk Grimsby: Public Information Centre on the Future of Grimsby

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    Thank you to all those who participated in the Public Information Centre (PIC) on June 18, 2024! This joint event included information about various projects including the Official Plan review, the Transportation Master Plan, and the Parks Master Plan.

    For the Official Plan review, this event focused on gathering your input on various topics such as housing, workplaces, the environment, downtown and more.

    Figure 1: A diagram with the pillars of Grimsby’s complete community (from Pillars of Grimsby’s Complete Community PIC Board).

    If you were unable to participate in this event, the display boards presented at the PIC can be found on the right side of this webpage, under the Public Information Centre (June 18) widget. If you would like to provide comments about the policy directions on these boards, please email

    The feedback received will inform the creation of the draft Official Plan.

    Stay tuned to this page as project updates, policy direction reports, surveys, and polls are made available.

  • Public Information Centre on the Future of Grimsby

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    The Town is currently undertaking three major planning projects that will help shape the future of the Town - the Official Plan Review, Parks Master Plan and the Transportation Master Plan. These three studies are interrelated and will inform each other with respect to policy and future direction.

    Residents, business owners and members of the public are invited to join us for a drop in at Public Information Centre (PIC) to learn and ask questions about the various projects.

    The PIC is being held at the Grimsby Town Hall from 6-8 pm on June 18th.

  • Announcing the Housing & Affordability Community Conversation

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    What is your experience living in Grimsby?

    Join us for a community conversation about housing needs, access, and affordability that will inform the Official Plan review. This event will include a brief presentation from Town Staff, small and large group conversations where residents can ask questions and share their views. This event is free and does not require registration.

    The Housing & Affordability Community Conversation will take place on June 13 from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at the Elizabeth Street Pump House (447 Elizabeth Street).

  • Greater Downtown Planning & Design Charrette: May 31st Update

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    Today was the final day of the Greater Downtown Planning & Design Charrette.

    Thank you to everyone who joined us throughout the week for the Walk 'n' Talk Tours and the Greater Downtown Think Tank!

    More events that focus on gathering your input are planned for June, including a Public Information Centre (PIC).

    Stay tuned to for more updates!

  • Greater Downtown Planning & Design Charrette: May 30th Update

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    Today's events - including the Greater Downtown THINK TANK - focused on understanding and formulating a vision for Downtown Grimsby.

    The Greater Downtown THINK TANK: Interactive Exhibit and Experience

    The Greater Downtown THINK TANK was designed to gather public input on the future of the greater downtown area and how it might evolve over the next 25+ years. The results of the THINK TANK will be considered as part of the review of the Official Plan.

    Figure 1 - Visitors at the event space located at 35 Main Street West.

    Figure 2 - Visitors interacting with the floor map. Visitors used stickers to identify their vision for where a particular feature could or should be located.

    Have more feedback? Email and join us for a public information centre in June!

  • Greater Downtown Planning & Design Charrette: May 29th Update

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    Day two of the Greater Downtown Planning & Design Charrette began with a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats (SWOT) Analysis, and finished with a Walk 'n' Talk Tour.

    SWOT Analysis

    What is a SWOT Analysis?

    A SWOT Analysis is an exercise that involves identifying and analysing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in order to develop plans and strategies for the future. The analysis identifies some topics related to these themes in Downtown Grimsby. These topics will continue to evolve with public input and inform the Official Plan review.

    Figure 1 - Initial pin-up of a SWOT Analysis of Downtown Grimsby. The topics identified with each theme will continue to evolve with further public input.

    Figure 2 - Drawing identifying some of the strengths of Downtown Grimsby.

    Walk 'n' Talk Tour: Public Realm & Circulation

    Thank you to everyone who joined us for the second Walk 'n' Talk Tour! This tour focused on the public realm and circulation in Downtown Grimsby and was lead by Sarah Sweeney (Director of Parks, Recreation, and Culture) and Harold Madi (Director of Planning and Building).

    The Walk ‘n’ Talk Tour: Public Realm & Circulation pamphlet can be found in the Documents widget on

    The next event for the Greater Downtown Planning & Design Charette is the Greater Downtown THINK TANK: Interactive Exhibit and Experience on May 30th from 3:00pm to 8:00pm. This event will take place at 35 Main Street West.

    See you there!

  • Greater Downtown Planning & Design Charrette: May 28th Update

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    The Greater Downtown Planning and Design Charrette kicked off with a Walk 'n' Talk Tour about the history and culture of Downtown Grimsby.

    Walk ‘n’ Talk Tour: History & Culture

    Thank you to everyone who was able to join us for the first Walk ‘n’ Talk Tour! The tour was lead by Bianca Verrecchia (Intermediate Heritage Planner), Wayne Mullins (President of the Grimsby Historical Society), Sara Nixon (Chair of Heritage Grimsby Advisory Committee), Janet Oakes (Grimsby Museum Manager/ Curator) & Garrett France- Wyllie (Heritage Planner).

    A special thank you to the Grimsby Historical Society and Wayne Mullins for sharing photos from their collections for the purpose of this tour.

    Some key locations included in the tour can be seen in the historical images below.

    Figure 1 - The Village Inn (1907-1973) was a central gathering place for socializing and entertaining for several decades. It was located at the corner of Main Street West and Mountain Street.

    Figure 2 - Jonathan Woolverton’s House was built in 1839. This photo was taken in 1909 and showcases the Victorian additions from the 1880s. This building is still standing in Downtown Grimsby today.

    Figure 3 - Adelaide Street is located within one of Grimsby’s oldest neighbourhoods. As the area developed and industry flourished – including Merritt Bros. Basket Factory seen above - many of the single family homes were turned into multi family dwellings.

    The Walk ‘n’ Talk Tour: History and Culture pamphlet can be found in the Documents widget on

    The next Walk ‘n’ Talk Tour, focusing on the public realm & circulation in Downtown Grimsby is May 29th from 6:00pm to 7:00pm. This tour will begin at the Coach House located at 13B Mountain Street.

    See you there!

  • Announcing the Greater Downtown Planning & Design Charrette

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    We want to hear your ideas about the future of Downtown Grimsby!

    Join us for the Greater Downtown Planning & Design Charrette.

    What is a Charrette?

    A charrette is an intensive, collaborative process held over several days that brings together experts and professionals from various disciplines to generate and advance solutions, ideas and concepts for a complex site, district or subject matter. These outcomes are informed, vetted, and steered through the engagement and input of stakeholders and the public at strategic points in the charrette process. The key benefits of utilizing the charrette process include arriving at comprehensive solutions to complex challenges in days rather than months or years, and the extraordinary broadly shared excitement and momentum generated.

    The Greater Downtown Planning & Design Charrette will include several public engagement events that can help shape the vision for Grimsby’s future Downtown and inform the policy direction for the Official Plan review. These events are free and do not require registration.

    • Walk’n’Talk Tour: History and Culture – May 28th from 6:00pm to 7:00pm, beginning at the Coach House at 13B Mountain Street
    • Walk’n’Talk Tour: Public Realm & Circulation – May 29th from 6:00pm to 7:00pm, beginning at the Coach House at 13B Mountain Street
    • Downtown Think Tank: Greater Downtown Interactive Exhibit & Experience – May 30th from 3:00pm to 8:00pm, 35 Main Street West

    Stay tuned to Let’s Talk Grimsby for more information!

  • Announcing the next Town Talk Speakers

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    Let’s talk about Sustainability and Climate Change at Elizabeth Street Pumphouse (447 Elizabeth Street) on May 7th from 6:00pm to 8:00pm.

    Town Talks aims to engage residents about key topics that will have an impact on the future of Grimsby and inform the Town’s Official Plan review. There will be an open question period for attendees to ask questions and share their views. Attending this series is free and does not require registration.

    Speakers for this event include:

    • Paul Mikoda, Ecologist at RV Anderson
    • Matt de Witt, Stormwater Designer and Transportation Engineer at RV Anderson
    • Suzanne Madder, Niagara Region Manager of Corporate Performance and Strategy
    • Cameron Parkin, O2 Planning and Design Data Analytics and Design Lead and University of Waterloo Architecture Adjunct Professor

    We hope to see you there!

  • Announcing another Town Talks Panel Discussion

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    Let’s keep the discussion going! An additional Town Talks Panel discussion has been planned in May.

    The next Town Talks panel discussion will feature speakers with different backgrounds discussing sustainability and climate change as it relates to the official plan. There will be an open question period for attendees to ask questions and share their views. Attending this series is free and does not require registration.

    Town Talks is a panel discussion series informing the Official Plan Review. These events aim to engage residents about key topics that will have an impact on the future of Grimsby.

    The next Town Talks panel discussion is:

    • Sustainability and Climate Change on May 7th from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at Elizabeth Street Pumphouse (447 Elizabeth St, Grimsby)

    We hope to see you there!

Page last updated: 18 Jul 2024, 03:15 PM