Greater Downtown Planning & Design Charrette: May 29th Update
Day two of the Greater Downtown Planning & Design Charrette began with a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats (SWOT) Analysis, and finished with a Walk 'n' Talk Tour.
SWOT Analysis
What is a SWOT Analysis?
A SWOT Analysis is an exercise that involves identifying and analysing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in order to develop plans and strategies for the future. The analysis identifies some topics related to these themes in Downtown Grimsby. These topics will continue to evolve with public input and inform the Official Plan review.
Figure 1 - Initial pin-up of a SWOT Analysis of Downtown Grimsby. The topics identified with each theme will continue to evolve with further public input.
Figure 2 - Drawing identifying some of the strengths of Downtown Grimsby.
Walk 'n' Talk Tour: Public Realm & Circulation
Thank you to everyone who joined us for the second Walk 'n' Talk Tour! This tour focused on the public realm and circulation in Downtown Grimsby and was lead by Sarah Sweeney (Director of Parks, Recreation, and Culture) and Harold Madi (Director of Planning and Building).
The Walk ‘n’ Talk Tour: Public Realm & Circulation pamphlet can be found in the Documents widget on
The next event for the Greater Downtown Planning & Design Charette is the Greater Downtown THINK TANK: Interactive Exhibit and Experience on May 30th from 3:00pm to 8:00pm. This event will take place at 35 Main Street West.
See you there!

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