Transportation Master Plan
About the Transportation Master Plan
The Town of Grimsby is excited to start the development of a Town-wide Transportation Master Plan (TMP) that will strategically guide the planning, design and implementation of transportation and mobility infrastructure, maintenance, operations, policies, and programming over the next 20+ years. The TMP will build on previous strategic planning undertaken by the Town, such as the recently adopted Downtown Reimagined study and Recreational Trails Master Plan, and be coordinated with the ongoing Grimsby Official Plan Review.
The purpose of the plan will be to prepare a long-range strategy that will:
- Promote a flourishing urban environment by effectively connecting residential, commercial, and industrial zones;
- Develop and promote transportation policies to address common issues regarding road safety, public parking, and network improvements;
- Enhance active transportation and promotes seamless multimodal network integration;
- Facilitate connections between growth areas, neighbouring municipalities, and critical transportation corridors; and
- Create a capital plan to efficiently meet the infrastructure needs of the Town for the short, medium, and long term.
The TMP will also be guided by the following Vision and Goals:
Vision: The Town of Grimsby seeks to achieve an integrated, multimodal transportation network that connects vibrant urban, natural, and agricultural areas within the Town and beyond, accommodates growth responsibly, ensures safety for people of all ages and abilities, and prioritizes sustainability, health, well-being, collective prosperity, and overall quality of life.
Accommodate Growth - Transportation Infrastructure and services will be coordinated with growth, with streets designed to be context sensitive to future land uses.
Provide Multimodal Options - Sustainable multi-modal transportation investments will be prioritized in future projects, and a connected network of walking and cycling facilities and new transit services will ensure people can access a wide variety of destinations – including jobs, shopping, services, and recreation - with or without a car, especially in urban areas.
Enhance Safety - Streets in Grimsby will be proactively designed and enhanced to ensure all road users arrive at their destination safely, with a priority on protecting vulnerable road users of various ages and abilities and ensuring that people are comfortable travelling by various modes.
Address Barriers - Barriers that currently disrupt connectivity between communities and areas of Grimsby (e.g., QEW, rail corridor, topography), will be addressed through strategic improvements that consider overall mobility as well as environmental and cultural heritage and features.
Manage Parking - Parking will be managed and coordinated in a way that supports the needs of people, businesses, and land uses, while considering the overall sustainability and multi-modal goals of the Town.
We want to hear from you on how the Town can best achieve this vision, goals, and objectives.
Thank you to everyone who attended the first Public Information Centre for the Transportation Master Plan, and who have provided input through the first public survey and the mapping tool. We have now concluded the first round of public engagement; additional opportunities to provide input will occur early in 2025.
To stay involved and informed, please subscribe for project updates in the right side of the page. The TMP will be developed based on your input and the input of other community members and stakeholders.
We look forward to working with you to develop a plan to improve multimodal mobility throughout the Town of Grimsby!
Map your transportation experiences and ideas
Please use this map to let us know about your experiences with the existing transportation network in Grimsby, and to help us identify future opportunities for improvements for various modes of travel through the Transportation Master Plan. Drop a pin and leave a comment regarding where you see:
- Challenges or problems regarding the existing transportation network
- Strengths or assets of the existing transportation network.
- Opportunities for future improvements
- Other issues