Grimsby Recreational Trails Master Plan
The Town of Grimsby is excited to announce the successful completion of the Town-wide Recreational Trails Master Plan. This milestone was reached with the endorsement of the plan by the Community Services Standing Committee on November 28, 2023, where it was recognized as the foundational framework for future recreational trail development in the Town. Subsequently, on December 4, 2023, the Town Council officially backed the Recreational Trails Master Plan by approving the Community Services Committee meeting minutes, affirming their support for this comprehensive initiative.
This master plan represents the culmination of extensive efforts to establish a forward-looking strategy that spans the next two decades. Key aspects of the plan include:
- Providing a definitive blueprint for planning, designing, and executing trails over the next 20 years.
- Embracing and showcasing the natural and cultural significance of areas across the Town.
- Seamlessly integrating trails into the ongoing development and expansion of Grimsby.
- Leveraging insights from past successes and experiences within the Town and similar municipalities.
- Facilitating trail planning, design, and construction activities involving Town staff and collaborative partners.
The project encompasses a diverse range of trails, primarily off-road, catering to walking, cycling, and other forms of active recreation. Notably, the plan encompasses the renowned Bruce Trail and park pathways, trails in natural areas, hydro corridors, and extensive rail connections. Moreover, it emphasizes pathway access to waterfront areas and promotes multi-use pathways in lieu of conventional sidewalks.
The plan also prioritizes establishing more comprehensive connectivity by identifying and designing select on-road connections, with a preference for leveraging existing or previously proposed linkages. Through these concerted efforts, the Town of Grimsby aims to enhance accessibility, promote active lifestyles, and foster greater community engagement with its natural and recreational assets.
The Town of Grimsby is excited to announce the successful completion of the Town-wide Recreational Trails Master Plan. This milestone was reached with the endorsement of the plan by the Community Services Standing Committee on November 28, 2023, where it was recognized as the foundational framework for future recreational trail development in the Town. Subsequently, on December 4, 2023, the Town Council officially backed the Recreational Trails Master Plan by approving the Community Services Committee meeting minutes, affirming their support for this comprehensive initiative.
This master plan represents the culmination of extensive efforts to establish a forward-looking strategy that spans the next two decades. Key aspects of the plan include:
- Providing a definitive blueprint for planning, designing, and executing trails over the next 20 years.
- Embracing and showcasing the natural and cultural significance of areas across the Town.
- Seamlessly integrating trails into the ongoing development and expansion of Grimsby.
- Leveraging insights from past successes and experiences within the Town and similar municipalities.
- Facilitating trail planning, design, and construction activities involving Town staff and collaborative partners.
The project encompasses a diverse range of trails, primarily off-road, catering to walking, cycling, and other forms of active recreation. Notably, the plan encompasses the renowned Bruce Trail and park pathways, trails in natural areas, hydro corridors, and extensive rail connections. Moreover, it emphasizes pathway access to waterfront areas and promotes multi-use pathways in lieu of conventional sidewalks.
The plan also prioritizes establishing more comprehensive connectivity by identifying and designing select on-road connections, with a preference for leveraging existing or previously proposed linkages. Through these concerted efforts, the Town of Grimsby aims to enhance accessibility, promote active lifestyles, and foster greater community engagement with its natural and recreational assets.
Grimsby RTMP Draft Plan Ready!
Share Grimsby RTMP Draft Plan Ready! on Facebook Share Grimsby RTMP Draft Plan Ready! on Twitter Share Grimsby RTMP Draft Plan Ready! on Linkedin Email Grimsby RTMP Draft Plan Ready! linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.A draft of the Town of Grimsby Recreational Trails Master Plan has been completed and is now ready for your review and commentary!
The master plan has been designed as a long-range strategic planning document which is intended to guide the monitoring, management, planning, design and implementation of recreational trail facilities and supportive programs / policies over the next 20 years. It highlights the current state of trails within the Town and aims to identify and prioritize potential trail improvement opportunities (both feasible and aspirational) to support future coordination, collaboration and innovation related to recreational trail improvements. The plan is not a commitment to specific monies or a prescriptive set of directives. It aims to provide flexible and adaptable tools and tactics to municipal staff with the aim of improving the integration of trails into day-to-day practice and processes.
We appreciate all of the insights and input that have been shard over the course of the project. We have diligently considered and responded to input received, built upon best and comparable practices and developed Grimsby specific tools and processes that respond to the opportunities and challenges related to recreational trails.
Please visit the Documents page to view a copy of the draft Recreational Trails Master Plan report.
Going forward, we will be:
- Holding commentary period for approximately 30 days ending on November 27th, 2023
- Consolidating comments and questions and responding where appropriate.
- Updating and finalizing the recreational trails master plan report and prepare a final update / presentation to Council / Committee
Thank you once again for your continued interest and involvement in this exciting project. We are looking forward to initiating the implementation of the plan starting in 2024 with new trail projects and programs being considered.
Recreational Trails Plan Draft Recommendations & Network!
Share Recreational Trails Plan Draft Recommendations & Network! on Facebook Share Recreational Trails Plan Draft Recommendations & Network! on Twitter Share Recreational Trails Plan Draft Recommendations & Network! on Linkedin Email Recreational Trails Plan Draft Recommendations & Network! linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.The Town of Grimsby Recreational Trails Master Plan project team is excited to be nearing the completion of our collaborative and exciting project. On Thursday June 22nd, a presentation was given to the Town's Community Services Standing Committee. The intent of the presentation was to provide an overview of the work completed to date on the Recreational Trails Master Plan, present the proposed recreational trails network, phasing and priorities and provide an overview of draft recommendations and next steps. We are excited to be moving forward with the development of the Recreational Trails Master Plan and look forward to presenting the report for potential adoption to Council in September / October 2023.
This update marks our final point of engagement and outreach regarding the Recreational Trails Master Plan. As we develop the master plan report and supporting documents we welcome your input on the proposed phasing, priorities and recommendations that form the basis for the plan. We will be seeking input until Friday August 18th..
There are a number of ways you can provide input:
1. Review the project update slides as presented to the committee on June 22nd.
2. Visit the documents page to download, review and mark-up the mapping to provide additional comments or considerations to the proposed network and network phasing / priorities.
2. Provide comments to the draft recommendations.
For any comments or questions please submit them to the project team at
Note that this plan is a guide, a flexible tool that is intended to serve as the roadmap from which Town staff can monitor, adapt, seek internal and external funding and generally influence future recreational mobility through planning, design and implementation. A number of the proposed routes reflect ongoing planning projects being completed by Town partners including but not limited to Niagara Region. The recommendations and outcomes of these projects will be determined by processes and project outside of this master plan. There will be opportunities for future consultation on specific projects before they move forward, opportunities to highlight / explore other trail opportunities and continue conversations and coordination with municipal partners.
Thank you in advance for your continued involvement and interest!
Project Update Presentation - June 22nd @ 6:30 PM
Share Project Update Presentation - June 22nd @ 6:30 PM on Facebook Share Project Update Presentation - June 22nd @ 6:30 PM on Twitter Share Project Update Presentation - June 22nd @ 6:30 PM on Linkedin Email Project Update Presentation - June 22nd @ 6:30 PM linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Spring is finally in the air, that means its time again to get out on the trails and provide your feedback on future trails proposed as part of the Recreational Trails Master Plan (RTMP). Over the past few months, the RTMP team has been working at finalizing the RTP network. This has included reviewing and adapting our proposed trail network based on feedback heard at the second round of engagement and conducting further analysis on potential candidate routes in order to confirm the proposed recreational trails network, trail design solutions, implementation priorities and phasing.
On June 22nd, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. the RTMP team will be presenting a project update to the Community Services Standing Committee. We invite you to join this presentation either virtually or in-person to learn more about the project recommendations and to provide your input one last time prior to developing the recreational trails master plan report - which will occur over the summer. Come join us to finalize the Town's Recreational Trails Master Plan!
East-West Trail Corridor & RTP Finalization Update
Share East-West Trail Corridor & RTP Finalization Update on Facebook Share East-West Trail Corridor & RTP Finalization Update on Twitter Share East-West Trail Corridor & RTP Finalization Update on Linkedin Email East-West Trail Corridor & RTP Finalization Update linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Happy new year from the Town of Grimsby Recreational Trails Master Plan team! It's 2023 and we're working towards finalizing the remaining pieces of the Town's Recreational Trails Master Plan (RTP). Since the second round of engagement, we have been working on :
- East-West Trail Corridor - In June 2022 a presentation was given to council recommending that the RTP investigate an East-West trail connection parallel to the rail corridor as a dedicated (primarily off-road) trailway linking major destinations. We have undertaken detailed fieldwork and stakeholder engagement on this opportunity and have identified a spine corridor that will be integrated into the wider Recreational Trails Network.
- Network Development - A preliminary draft trails network was presented in the second round of engagement. We have since updated the network to reflect the east-west trail alignment and additional routes to improve recreational trail opportunities and connectivity. The network has been designed and phased as part of the RTP process.
- RTP Recommendations - a strong master plan should include recommendations that guide day-to-day decision-making. A series of recommendations related to trail planning, design, implementation, costing/funding, programming, maintenance, and management is being developed and reviewed in the context of Town capacity and feasibility.
The intent is to proceed with the remaining technical tasks with the intent of completing the Recreational Trails Master plan by Fall 2023 including a presentation to Town Council anticipated for May / June 2023 - all members of the public and stakeholder are welcome; please wait for further notification on the presentation date/time.
It is important to note that all formal engagement and outreach has been completed for this project. Information will continue to be shared and if you have any questions or comments please contact
Thank you very much for your continued interest and involvement! We look forward to working with you on the final components of the project!
Public Information Package #2 - Have Your Say!
Share Public Information Package #2 - Have Your Say! on Facebook Share Public Information Package #2 - Have Your Say! on Twitter Share Public Information Package #2 - Have Your Say! on Linkedin Email Public Information Package #2 - Have Your Say! linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.A Recreational Trails Master Plan for the Town of Grimsby is underway. Your feedback is needed on the Draft Proposed Trail Network and corresponding design guidelines. There are a number of ways you can participate in this round of public consultation.
- Review our Public Information Package #2 available under "Documents"
- Watch our pre-recorded video that reviews the information package available under "Videos"
- Visit the link provided to view our online collaborative whiteboard on Miro where you can find an overview of the project, the vision / objectives, considerations, a summary of the trail classifications, a summary of the trailhead classes, and a draft proposed trail network. On this platform you can provide comments by using sticky notes directly on the content to tell us your thoughts.
Find our viewing boards at key locations around the community. They will be available at the following locations starting April 27 running through May 19:
- Grimsby Municipal Offices - 160 Livingston Avenue
- Peach King Centre - 162 Livingston Avenue
- Grimsby Public Library - 18 Carnegie Lane
- Livingston Activity Centre - 18 Livingston Avenue
- Waterfront Trail - at the east and west ends
Find us at community events. Members of our Project Team will be at the following events:
- Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority Tree Planting Day - April 30, 2022 - Centennial Park
- Raptorfest - May 4, 2022 - Peach King Centre
- Community Safety Day - May 14, 2022 - Peach King Centre
- Farmer's Market - To be confirmed
- Provide your feedback to Have a question? Have some comments? Drop us a line – we are listening.
As you are reviewing these boards, we would like to you to consider the following questions:
- What do you want to see for the future of the trails in Grimsby?
- Would these trail types and amenities improve your trails experience?
- Does the Draft Proposed Trail Network address potential opportunities and barriers?
Technical Report # 1 (November 2021) Now Available
Share Technical Report # 1 (November 2021) Now Available on Facebook Share Technical Report # 1 (November 2021) Now Available on Twitter Share Technical Report # 1 (November 2021) Now Available on Linkedin Email Technical Report # 1 (November 2021) Now Available linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.The Grimsby Recreational Trails Master Plan Technical Report #1 is now available for viewing. This report is provided for information purposes only as a 'snap shot' of the study progress, findings and engagement activities between the project launch in July 2021 and the wrap-up of Round 1 Engagement in November 2021.
The Project Team has used the foundations reflected in the Technical Report #1 to move into Phase 4 of the project - the development of the outline and initial recommendations. This material will be presented in Round 2 Engagement, just getting underway in April 2022.
Public Information Session - Live Now
Share Public Information Session - Live Now on Facebook Share Public Information Session - Live Now on Twitter Share Public Information Session - Live Now on Linkedin Email Public Information Session - Live Now linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.We are now live for our first public information session for the Recreational Trails Masterplan!
If you would like to enter the meeting, please follow the below zoom link:
Hope to see you in the meeting!
Tonight! Join us for our first public event.
Share Tonight! Join us for our first public event. on Facebook Share Tonight! Join us for our first public event. on Twitter Share Tonight! Join us for our first public event. on Linkedin Email Tonight! Join us for our first public event. linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Join us at our first public event! TONIGHT, at 7:00 pm, the Town of Grimsby will be holding our first public information session for the Recreational Trails Master Plan.
We are excited to share and engage with you on:
- The work we have done to date on understanding trail related policies, programs, and practices in the Town.
- What we have heard from the initial engagement completed
- Our findings on the existing trail system and routing connections.
- Our assessment of the previously planned routes as well as potential new trail opportunities.
- Some trail planning and design considerations that we want to explore within the Town as part of a long-range master plan.
If you would like to participate and receive the presentation information prior to the public event, please sign up using the Let’s Talk survey:
If you would like to watch the public meeting but not participate, the meeting will be streamed live on the Town’s YouTube Channel:
- Meeting Participants: (link will be sent on the day of the meeting – participants should register through Let’s Talk)
- To view the live stream: Town of Grimsby Youtube (
Who's Listening
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Project Timeline
Phase 1 - Project Initiation & Preliminary Outreach
Grimsby Recreational Trails Master Plan has finished this stageThe purpose of the project initiation phase is to ensure that there is confirmation of the frameworks and that initial outreach and communication is achieved to notify members of the public and stakeholders of the initiation of the project.
Phase 2 - Background Review, Data Collection & Analysis
Grimsby Recreational Trails Master Plan has finished this stageThe purpose of the background review and data collection / analysis phase is to gather the necessary information to provide the foundations of the master plan development. This includes a more robust understanding of the existing infrastructure and destinations, policy, planning, design, and decision-making context as well as investigation of comparable municipalities and their experiences and lessons learned undertaking / preparing plans of a similar nature.
Phase 3 - Community Consultation #1
Grimsby Recreational Trails Master Plan has finished this stageThe intent of the first round of community consultation will be to inform Phase 2 of the project and confirm outcomes as well as gather preliminary input on the initial recommendations in Phase 4.
Phase 4 - Outline of Initial Recommendations
Grimsby Recreational Trails Master Plan has finished this stageThe purpose of the initial recommendations phase is to confirm and design the proposed trails network for the Town of Grimsby and to develop the necessary policies and practices to support a long-term shift towards more recreational trail use within the Town.
Phase 5 - Community Consultation #2
Grimsby Recreational Trails Master Plan has finished this stageThe intent of the second round of community consultation will be to inform Phase 4 of the work plan review and confirming the proposed network and supporting guidelines and practices / policies while gathering input on the preferred priorities to inform the phasing plan and implementation strategy.
Phase 6 - Prepare Draft and Final Report
Grimsby Recreational Trails Master Plan has finished this stageThe purpose of the draft and final report phase is prepare a realistic and robust implementation strategy for Town staff and to consolidate and finalize the master plan documentation components of the process and to ensure that there is sufficient buy-in to the overall approach and the outcomes.
Project Completion
Grimsby Recreational Trails Master Plan is currently at this stageThe Town of Grimsby is excited to announce the successful completion of the Town-wide Recreational Trails Master Plan. This milestone was reached with the endorsement of the plan by the Community Services Standing Committee on November 28, 2023, where it was recognized as the foundational framework for future recreational trail development in the Town. Subsequently, on December 4, 2023, the Town Council officially backed the Recreational Trails Master Plan by approving the meeting minutes of the Community Services Committee, affirming their support for this comprehensive initiative.
- Grimsby Recreational Trails Master Plan_Draft Report_October 2023.pdf (32.4 MB) (pdf)
- Grimsby Trails Public Information Package #2 April 2022.pdf (8.18 MB) (pdf)
- Grimsby Recreational Trails Master Plan Technical Report #1 November 2021 .pdf (10.2 MB) (pdf)
- Grimsby Recreational Trails Master Plan - Public Input Session #1 Slide Deck (4.6 MB) (pdf)
- B001378_Grimsby RTP Update_June Committeee Presentation.pdf (2.74 MB) (pdf)
- B001378_Grimsby RTP_Draft Recommendations.pdf (189 KB) (pdf)
- Recreational Trails Proposed Network (4.7 MB) (pdf)
- Recreational Trails Proposed Network Phasing (66.2 MB) (pdf)
- Recreational Trails Proposed Network Priorities (66.1 MB) (pdf)
Key Dates
November 30 2023
October 2023
July 2023
April 27 → May 19 2022
September 15 2021