Is the Town considering a proposal for a trail along the CN Rail line?
The Town of Grimsby is consulting with CN Rail about the feasibility of potential trails and trail crossings. While the proposed network map reflects these components in concept, much more work is required to confirm feasibility.
We know from our stakeholder engagement sessions in Fall 2021 that this aspect is of great interest to the community.
What is a Recreational Trails Master Plan?
A recreational trails master plan is a long-term planning document that is adopted by the Town to guide how trails are planned, designed, constructed, and maintained. A master plan does not authorize the construction of new trails but identifies a network of improvements and a blueprint of support to achieve the Town’s vision and goals over the next 10-20 years. Recreational Trails means off-road or in boulevard routes and facilities that accommodate active and passive movement for fun and fitness.
What parts of Grimsby does this project include?
The recreational trails master plan is being developed for the entire Town of Grimsby including the rural areas and built-up areas. There will be focus on the parks an open space; however, additional exploration of trail opportunities will be done in boulevards, areas with Carolinian forest, waterfront access and other major community destinations. The master plan will also explore connections to surrounding municipalities and wider inter-regional connection such as the Bruce Trail, Waterfront Trail and the Greenbelt Cycling Route.
What is the project timeline?
The Recreational Trails Master Plan is scheduled to be completed by Summer 2023.
Why is Grimsby developing a recreational trails master plan?
The Town of Grimsby has done a considerable amount of work leading up to the development of the recreational trails master plan. The Town’s Official Plan includes a section and set of recommendations regarding the future development of trails including the development of the master plan which is further reinforced in the Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan. Recreation and trails are considered a priority and a considerable opportunity for the Town which could potentially lay the foundation for future active transportation planning efforts.
Who is this project for?
The Recreational Trails Master Plan is a project for everyone in the Town of Grimsby. Harnessing the changes in our recreational activities because of COVID-19; we see trails as an amazing opportunity to provide residents and visitors of the Town of Grimsby with recreational opportunities to increase health, quality of life, exposure of nature and economic investment. Trails are part of a wider transportation network in the Town of Grimsby and serve as a safe and comfortable way for individuals, families, and friends to get to and from their day-to-day destinations.