Recreational Trails Plan Draft Recommendations & Network!
The Town of Grimsby Recreational Trails Master Plan project team is excited to be nearing the completion of our collaborative and exciting project. On Thursday June 22nd, a presentation was given to the Town's Community Services Standing Committee. The intent of the presentation was to provide an overview of the work completed to date on the Recreational Trails Master Plan, present the proposed recreational trails network, phasing and priorities and provide an overview of draft recommendations and next steps. We are excited to be moving forward with the development of the Recreational Trails Master Plan and look forward to presenting the report for potential adoption to Council in September / October 2023.
This update marks our final point of engagement and outreach regarding the Recreational Trails Master Plan. As we develop the master plan report and supporting documents we welcome your input on the proposed phasing, priorities and recommendations that form the basis for the plan. We will be seeking input until Friday August 18th..
There are a number of ways you can provide input:
1. Review the project update slides as presented to the committee on June 22nd.
2. Visit the documents page to download, review and mark-up the mapping to provide additional comments or considerations to the proposed network and network phasing / priorities.
2. Provide comments to the draft recommendations.
For any comments or questions please submit them to the project team at
Note that this plan is a guide, a flexible tool that is intended to serve as the roadmap from which Town staff can monitor, adapt, seek internal and external funding and generally influence future recreational mobility through planning, design and implementation. A number of the proposed routes reflect ongoing planning projects being completed by Town partners including but not limited to Niagara Region. The recommendations and outcomes of these projects will be determined by processes and project outside of this master plan. There will be opportunities for future consultation on specific projects before they move forward, opportunities to highlight / explore other trail opportunities and continue conversations and coordination with municipal partners.
Thank you in advance for your continued involvement and interest!

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