Project Update Presentation - June 22nd @ 6:30 PM
Spring is finally in the air, that means its time again to get out on the trails and provide your feedback on future trails proposed as part of the Recreational Trails Master Plan (RTMP). Over the past few months, the RTMP team has been working at finalizing the RTP network. This has included reviewing and adapting our proposed trail network based on feedback heard at the second round of engagement and conducting further analysis on potential candidate routes in order to confirm the proposed recreational trails network, trail design solutions, implementation priorities and phasing.
On June 22nd, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. the RTMP team will be presenting a project update to the Community Services Standing Committee. We invite you to join this presentation either virtually or in-person to learn more about the project recommendations and to provide your input one last time prior to developing the recreational trails master plan report - which will occur over the summer. Come join us to finalize the Town's Recreational Trails Master Plan!

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