- Property owners who want to develop or redevelop their property.
- Town staff and Council to guide decisions on how the Town changes.
- Future residents or business owners who want to know what is permitted in the neighbourhood they want to buy a house or establish a business in.
- Determining the location, types, & density of housing
- Determining where businesses can be established
- Protecting our natural areas
- Identifying where growth and infrastructure should be located in the future
What is an Official Plan?
An Official Plan is a document required by the Ontario Planning Act and developed by each municipality. Official Plans (also known as OPs) have to conform with provincial and regional plans.
What does an Official Plan do?
An Official Plan outlines the locations and requirements for future development, which will impact how the Town changes over the next 25+ years. It will also impact other policies & strategies, such as the zoning by-law.
Who uses the Official Plan?
The Official Plan can be used by many people including:
How does the Official Plan affect you?
An Official Plan affects everyone by...
Why is the Official Plan being reviewed?
The Official Plan is in need of a review. As an important guiding document used to address challenges and reinforce the Town’s strengths, it is important that the Plan reflects the Grimsby of today.
Official Plans are a requirement under Ontario’s Planning Act and must be consistent with provincial and regional plans. Once completed, the Plan’s vision for land use and development will inform further secondary planning and the Zoning and Development Bylaw.
Who is involved in the development of the Official Plan?
Town of Grimsby staff have partnered with O2 (planning and engagement), Hertel Planning (planning) and Bob Lehman (policy advisor) to help prepare the new Official Plan. A key component of the new plan is engagement with residents, Council, Administration, Developers, Businessowners, First Nations, and visitors to Grimsby.
How can I participate in the Official Plan?
There will be multiple opportunities to participate including open houses, pop-up events, surveys, and interactive maps. These events begin Summer 2023.
When will the Official Plan be completed?
The project officially began in June 2023 and is expected to be approved by Council in early 2025.
Where can I find demographic information about Grimsby?
Demographic information about Grimsby is available through Statistics Canada.
View the Statistics Canada 2021 Focus on Geography Series here.
What is a Charrette?
A charrette is an intensive, collaborative process held over several days that brings together experts and professionals from various disciplines to generate and advance solutions, ideas and concepts for a complex site, district or subject matter. These outcomes are informed, vetted, and steered through the engagement and input of stakeholders and the public at strategic points in the charrette process. The key benefits of utilizing the charrette process include arriving at comprehensive solutions to complex challenges in days rather than months or years, and the extraordinary broadly shared excitement and momentum generated.
Do you have another question to add to Envision Grimsby's FAQ page?
Please email us at grimsbyop@grimsby.ca
Thanks for your input!