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Old home movie films of Grimsby

Anybody have any old home movie films of Grimsby especially anything 'historical' I can digitize them for all to enjoy. Steve Hartwell,

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Mary Stewart over 2 years ago
I live in Grimsby, England, UK.
The name came from a Danish fisherman called Grim, who came to the settlement decades ago . Is there any connection? I was curious since seeing a few years ago a sign for turning off to Grimsby Canada whist travelling from the airport at Toronto to Niagra Falls.
Share I live in Grimsby, England, UK.The name came from a Danish fisherman called Grim, who came to the settlement decades ago . Is there any connection? I was curious since seeing a few years ago a sign for turning off to Grimsby Canada whist travelling from the airport at Toronto to Niagra Falls. on Facebook Share I live in Grimsby, England, UK.The name came from a Danish fisherman called Grim, who came to the settlement decades ago . Is there any connection? I was curious since seeing a few years ago a sign for turning off to Grimsby Canada whist travelling from the airport at Toronto to Niagra Falls. on Twitter Share I live in Grimsby, England, UK.The name came from a Danish fisherman called Grim, who came to the settlement decades ago . Is there any connection? I was curious since seeing a few years ago a sign for turning off to Grimsby Canada whist travelling from the airport at Toronto to Niagra Falls. on Linkedin Email I live in Grimsby, England, UK.The name came from a Danish fisherman called Grim, who came to the settlement decades ago . Is there any connection? I was curious since seeing a few years ago a sign for turning off to Grimsby Canada whist travelling from the airport at Toronto to Niagra Falls. link