Open-Air Fires - Public Survey
Consultation has concluded
This project is now complete.
For a summary of the survey responses please see the documents tab on this page.
For information on the NEW By-law or to apply for an Open Air Burn Permit - visit our webpage.
The Grimsby Fire Department is engaging in a public consultation survey to collect information relative to open-air fires in the Town of Grimsby.
Currently, By-law #12-40 Open-Air Fires, which regulates the setting of open-air fires in the Town of Grimsby, prohibits open-air fires within the "Urbanized Areas" of Grimsby, although allows for "Exempt Fires" with conditions.
"Urbanized Areas" means all properties within the urban boundary and those other areas below the brow of the escarpment that have residential building lots less than 100ft (30m) in width and/or zoned residential per Town of Grimsby Zoning By-law.
The complete by-law on "Urbanized Areas" and all other definitions and details of conditions can be reviewed under the Important Links tab on the right side of this page.
The goal of this survey is to understand whether Grimsby residents are interested in having the open-air fires by-law amended to allow residents in "Urbanized Areas" of Grimsby, to purchase an annual permit that would authorize and hold responsible the Registered Owner, to have an open-air fire that were compliant with the by-law.
Individual responses will not be shared publicly, and registration is required only for the purposes of ensuring responses are valid. After the survey has expired, responses will be aggregated and assessed, and the overall results will be used in a report with a recommendation on open-air fires for Grimsby. This report will be presented to Council in March of 2021.
Your input is appreciated and critical to ensure it's an accurate reflection of our residents, in relation to open-air fires.
This survey should take you approximately 5 minutes to complete. The survey link will expire and no further responses will be collected after February 26, 2021.
Your feedback and participation are appreciated!
If you have a question related to the survey or Open-Air Fires - please ask it here.