Construction Schedule
The Town of Grimsby has awarded the contract for the Construction of Casablanca Waterfront Park and is getting ready to start construction.
The work for this contract comprises park construction, including but not limited to grading, asphalt paving, concrete work, sub-drainage, armour stone retaining walls, playgrounds, tree planting, signage, beach sand area, sodding, installation of naturalization areas, installation of washroom building, and site furniture installations (including benches and shade structures). We look forward to the next steps and encourage you to follow along for progress updates!
The improvements will be completed in several phases to maintain community access to the waterfront pathway as much as possible throughout the process. The Town's contractor will begin work as early as the week of July 10th, 2023, in the park's east end. In the park's central area, the work is scheduled to begin at the end of July. In the park's west end, the anticipated construction start time is the end of August. The completion target for all major construction works is in the winter of 2023/2024, with site restoration and plantings occurring when weather permits in the spring of 2024.